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Richard O.

"I have never been clean and sober as an adult. I was hooked on meth and it destroyed my life. 

I finally have 80+ clean days...Brothers Sober Living has helped me get on my feet. Today I am employed full time, I am starting my own business from my bedroom, I go to treatment classes, I pay my bills, and I am actively engaged in a prosocial lifestyle...these people really care about seeing me do right for myself and they help me when I need them."


"Brothers Sober Living has given my daughter and I a stepping stone to become stable and for me to stay drug free. This place has given me a new outlook on my life & that I'm capable of becoming the best mom I can be. Also I have been given the privilege of becoming house manager and that has allowed me to come out of my "shell" of being so shy...I'm thankful for Brothers Sober Living and what it has to offer me."

Russel G.

"Brothers....has helped me in many ways...I got out of jail had nowhere to go and a friend contacted me with their number...I called the number I was provided and without any hesitation Larry and Miguel allowed me to move in. I was able to not have to worry about housing and move forward through the stages of change looking to make a better life for myself and my children. It has helped in putting old behaviors behind me...keeping me motivated to move forward in my life and get through stressful barriers in life." 

Lisa O.

"I have over 200 days of sobriety. This house has allowed me to focus on maintaining my sobriety while keeping a full time job. I have grown some real strong friendships with some women here. I'm very fortunate to be living here. This is a stepping stone towards a life of independence. I plan on living here till I am a year sober. After that I plan on finding an apartment, adopting a cat and living a wonderful life."

Morgan James, NY

 “I was challenged not to give up but face my addiction issues straight on…and the fear, worry and failures that I felt coming into this environment soon disappeared… I had a plan of recovery…my life would have been over years ago if I didn’t make the effort and enter their sober living solution."

Darin C.

"I have lived in Miguel Mullins house 8 months and know with certainty that he has helped me to get my life back together. He has had compassion on me when I had nowhere else to go and in so doing I have taken care of my personal court battles and am nearly finished with paying them off, clearing my name and having a future with hope."

Enjoying the Nature


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